Call for Short Essays on the Recent Conflict in Gaza
Call for Short Essays on the Recent Conflict in...
Call for Short Essays on the Recent Conflict in Gaza
The United Nations Association of Iran, together with the Organisation for Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) kindly invites enthusiastic law scholars, academicians, researchers, and law students to submit a short article regarding one of the following issues:
- The Qualification of Criminal Conducts in light of the Subject-Matter Jurisdiction of the ICC
- Criticising the Arguments by Israel in Resorting to a lawful Self Defence under International Law
- International Law Mechanisms to Legally adjudicate the Issue in Question
- The Role and Efficacy of the UNGA/UNSC Resolution in the maintenance of International Peace and Security
- Criticising the Employment of ‘Voluntary Human Shields’ by Israel
- Recovery of the Previously-Occupied Territory under International Law
- Role of United Nations Human Rights Mechanism in Addressing the Violation of the Palestinians’ Human Rights
- Obligation of Third States towards the Commission of International Crimes in the OPT
Submission Requirements:
- All writings should be submitted in English.
- Use Times New Roman 12 for main text, and 10 for footnotes
- Reference Style shall be based on OSCOLA.
- Word limit shall be between 1500 to 3000.
Submission Deadline:
The short essays shall be sent to info@odvv.org no later than 15 December, 2023. The writers of the best essays will receive precious prizes.