Performance of the "Last Leaf" Play on the Occasion of the International Peace Day

News ID : #388
Publish Date : 09/20/2015 15:02
View Count : 2590
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Performance of the "Last Leaf" Play on the...
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On the occasion of the International Peace Day the "Last Leaf" play, written and directed by Mohammad Boroumand which is a universal pay on peace and friendship, will be held in Azadi Tower with the support of the ODVV and UNA-Iran.

With the theme of "Peace and Friendship for All" this play is a modern work of a combination of different theatrical techniques alongside media and pantomime suitable for all family members of all ages.
The performers of this play are Amir Ali Shariati, Roshan Shariati,Mehrava AFshani, Mehrsa Javdani Irandoust, Rozhin Shariati, Parmis Fallah,and Ilia Boroumand. The masks and puppets maker is Monireh Amir Yousefi, music and special effects by Mehdi Kiamanesh,and Yousef Nikpour. The producer is Mohammad Javdani Irandoust, international relations director: Mariam Khoshdel and poster and brochure design by Masoud Sabouhi.

“ Performance of the "Last Leaf" Play on the Occasion of the International Peace Day ”
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