British Muslims are Put Under Pressure Systematically

News ID : #465
Publish Date : 11/22/2015 11:53
View Count : 1186
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David Miller is a sociology lecturer in University of Bath, At the same time as the publication of reports on the rise in organized hate crimes committed against British Muslims following the Paris Terror attacks Miller said: "British Muslims are in a way put under pressure systematically."

According to ODVV, quoting IRNA, Bath University lecturer, David Miller said: "despite the pressures that are put on British Muslims and the attacks that take place against them on the streets. But the thing that further incites this Islamophobia is the British anti-terror laws and justice system. I think this problem is in a way systematically puts pressure on Muslims and plays a key role in targeting them. The measures that the government takes in the framework of the fight against terrorism and extremism, aswell as targeting Muslims, it also legitimises the "Muslims are suspects" mentality."
Responding to the question on what factor has increased Islamophobia, Miller said: "Several factors are pertinent in this. On one hand in the procedure of the security services assessments of terror threats in the country, uncalculated measures have been adopted. On the other hand it seems that parts of the government do not want to be accosted for their miscalculated decisions. When in 2003, 1 million people demonstrated against the Iraq war, they did not like the government. The government wanted to shove the issue to the sidelines, therefore it tried to link to Islam. This is while the campaign was supported by the majority of the British people. Thus the government has not just targeted Muslims but is also opposed to some civil society movements too. "These types of behaviors is a part of their objectives" and they are against the democratic rights of the people."
This sociology expert in reply to a question regarding the future of the Muslim community in Britain and other European countries said: "For as long as the unrests do not end in the Middle East, the situation will remain as it is. It is fully clear that these situations began with the military interventions in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, and then spread to other regions in North Africa. Now we have a collective of unrests and if these problems are not solved, Muslim people's conditions in Europe will not improve." Tell Mama a Muslims' rights support group in Britain said that following the recent terror attacks in Paris the number of hate crimes against Muslims and Islamophobia cases had increased. In a report this NGO announced: "There have been reports of 91 crimes as a result of hatred against Muslims since last Saturday in Britain, most of which were committed against women in the streets and cities and public places." According to Tell Mama's claim there has been an increase of 70 percent in hate crimes committed against Muslims in the last year.
The British Islamic Human Rights Commission also, in a report on the conditions of the Muslim community in Britain, released last week said that hatred towards Muslims has risen. In this report which included a survey on British Muslims, states that Islamophobia has got worse since 2010, and Islamophobia had now turned into a pattern for racial discrimination against Muslim groups. The Commission also said inthe report that the experiences those who have been threatened with cliché accusations against Muslims had increased from 10 percent in 2010 to 39.4 percent in 2015. Also 21 percent of those who observe the application of Islamic laws claim that British politicians see Islam as a trouble making religion.

“ British Muslims are Put Under Pressure Systematically ”