World Beyond War

News ID : #748
Publish Date : 09/18/2016 16:02
View Count : 1134
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The International Movement for a Just World has planned to organize a seminar entitled “World Beyond War: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and its Implications on Security in The ASEAN Region”.


The International Movement for a Just World has planned to organize a seminar entitled “World Beyond War: The Rohingya Refugee Crisis and its Implications on Security in The ASEAN Region”. This Seminar will be held in the Institute Integrity Malaysia (IIM) on the 24th September 2016.
This Seminar will feature a presentation of two speakers, a panel discussion, followed by a Question and Answer Session. The speakers are as follows:
- Tan Sri Hasmy Agam, former chairman of Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (SUHAKAM)
- Mr. Richard Towle, representative of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

For further details about the Seminar please contact:
Hassanal Noor Rashid
JUST Program Coordinator
H/P: +6012-3621155

“ World Beyond War ”
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