ODVV Holds Technical Sitting on The Necessity of Iran to be Active in the Field of...

News ID : #782
Publish Date : 10/23/2016 12:24
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ODVV Holds Technical Sitting on The Necessity of Iran to be Active in the Field of International Criminal Justice

The Technical sitting on the Necessity of Iran to be Active in the Field of International Criminal Justice was held at the ODVV conference hall with the presence of Mohammad Hadi Zaker Hossein, PhD in International Criminal Law and the director of the International Criminal Law Centre of Iran.
According to ODVV public relations, in this sitting which was held with the participation of university students and interested parties, the director of the International Criminal Law Centre of Iran while thanking the ODVV for interest on the subject, in his speech spoke of the importance of preference of the rules of engagement to military action as the new front in international relations.
Zaker Hossein said: “Since 1948 the international community has been yearning for a mechanism to prosecute international criminals.” He added: “Since the establishment if the International Criminal Court, every day we witness the importance and increasing role of this Court, in such way that wherever there is war and crisis, all heads turn towards this Court. And in fact this body has not had a replacement alternative to-date.”
He said: “Currently law activists are pursuing their goals through international legal mechanisms, and the most important international mechanism for legal action is the ICC.”
This researcher then went on talking about the activities of the Iranian civil society and the Iranian government on issues such as Afghanistan and Palestine and also following up on demands from the Court regarding the Iranian victims of the 8 year Iraq-Iran war, which will result in the improvement and promotion of the status of Iran in relation to this important and effective international body.
At the end of this sitting there was a Q&A session with the audience.

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“ ODVV Holds Technical Sitting on The Necessity of Iran to be Active in the Field of International Criminal Justice ”