Amir Kabir University of Technology ranks 4th in world

News ID : #860
Publish Date : 11/25/2016 23:40
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Amir Kabir University of Technology ranks fourth in the world in terms of the number of faculty members in the course of medical engineering.

Secretary of the First International Biomedical Engineering Conference Farzad Tohidkhah told the inaugural ceremony that the course is new to Iran.

He noted that the first medical engineering faculty in Iran was established in Amir Kabir University of Technology.

He further said that world's first medical engineering faculty was set up in John Hopkins University, which ranks first in terms of the number of faculty members.

Nanyang Technological University, Melbourne University and Amir Kabir University of Technology stand second to fourth in this respect respectively, he said.

Tohidkhah also said that Medical Engineering Faculty of Amir Kabir University of Technology is among the top faculties in the world in the field of research.

The First Biomedical Engineering Conference opened in Amir Kabir University of Technology on November 24 and will continue for two days.

“ Amir Kabir University of Technology ranks 4th in world ”