Draft Legislation on Provision of Security for Women against Violence, Finalised

News ID : #965
Publish Date : 01/04/2017 15:45
View Count : 1931
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The Presidential Deputy on Women and Family Affairs, Shahindokht Molaverdi, deemed the fight against violence against women a universal responsibility and stressed that the home is not the castle when it comes to laws for the elimination of violence against women.

On Tuesday 3 January, in the National Conference on the Elimination of Violence against Women held in Shahid Beheshti University, Ms. Molaverdi added: “Violence against women, is a complex and multi-factored, and the pattern of violence has now changed.” According to IRNA, she stressed on the necessity to strengthen laws combatting violence against women and said: “These laws must be brought up to date, while we are all responsible towards violence against women. Violence against women is violation of human rights, and the repercussions of this violence is discrimination in the law and practice, some of which are unwritten.” Pointing to various factors in violence against women, the presidential deputy for women’s affairs said: “Medical, biological and hormonal factors experts and behaviour specialists, suggest mental disorders bring about violence against women.”
Molaverdi said: “the law can bring balance between women and men’s rights, and of course we have laws to combat violence against women and these laws are distributed in civil, Islamic and imprisonment laws.” With regards to the effective approach of the law in the fight against violence against women, she said: “when violence against women is not promoted is when it is considered in the law, and also laws are set for the protection of the victim of violence.” She continued, “another instance is the punishment of the violent individual which means punishing him for his action. The fight against violence against women is a universal responsibility which must not be limited to the duty of one branch of power and body.”
In continuation, Molaverdi pointed prevention of violence against women out and added, “One of the programmes of UN Women is focus on prevention, something that a single solution cannot be presented for different societies. Therefore we must consider a vast area of actions to control violence before it occurs.” Saying that violence against women has short, mid and long term effects, she added, “violence against women at the individual and national levels, causes problems for the promotion of social justice indexes and subsequently the realisation of human security and provision of sustainable development indexes. It also affects peace and security at the national and international levels.”
Pointing out the latest actions taken with regards to the draft legislation on the provision of security for women by the 11th government, Molaverdi reassured, “a specialist and research group have reviewed this draft, and their work is almost complete. We have put this draft legislation in our working agenda with attention to top documents. Of course this draft was brought up in the tenth government and presented to the draft legislations commission, but the judicial section of the draft legislation was faulted by the commission, and was taken out of its working agenda. From the start of the eleventh government we held several meetings with the Judiciary regarding the 20 judicial articles of the draft legislation, because according to the draft legislations commission these articles should be approved by the Judiciary.”
The presidential deputy on women and family affairs continued, “after separating the judicial section of the draft we noticed that the remaining section of the the draft legislation is in the working agenda of departments, but there is no coordination between these departments. Therefore we recommended the launching of a national body for the protection of women from violence, and the review of this subject coincided with the presentation the draft document on the social security of women and children to the draft legislations commission.” She explained, “the commission reached the conclusion that the provision of security for women against violence draft legislation must be merged with the women and children social security document. Following the holding of meetings with the Programmes and Budged Organization the conclusion was reached that there is no possibility of the merging of these two, as a result we reviewed the expertise and research work of the draft legislation, and it is almost complete now. In the draft legislation we have recommended for the launching of a committee for the provision of security to women and creation of a protection of women victims fund. This draft legislation even deals with the Judiciary too.”
In this conference, Gary Lewis, the representative from the UN, Habibollah Masoudi Farid deputy of the National Welfare Organization, and jurists, members of parliament, top sociology and psychology and psychiatric experts were also present.



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“ Draft Legislation on Provision of Security for Women against Violence, Finalised ”