Implementation of 2nd Phase of Empowerment of Women Heads of Household – 65 years and...

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Publish Date : 01/13/2017 15:59
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Implementation of 2nd Phase of Empowerment of...
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The Practical Reviews deputy of the Women and Family Affairs described the details of the empowerment of women heads of household project and gave news of the implementation of the 2nd phase of this project in provinces with higher average of the average levels of the country in the index of the number of women heads of household under 65 years of age.

In an interview with ISNA, Sousan Bastani said: “In the first half of 1393, with the aim of creating coordination between departments, the Women and Family Affairs Department took steps towards the Empowerment of Women Heads of Household Comprehensive Project. This project was implemented with the aim of more interdepartmental cooperation on the subject of women who for various reasons are providing a living for themselves and their family.”
She added: “With the completion of the pilot stage of this project, one of the most important subjects regarding the empowerment of women heads of household that was considered was the attention towards the young and middle aged age groups and the need for their economic empowerment and professional training. Therefore the Women and Family Affairs Department intends to hold the 2nd Phase of this project in 15 provinces and with priority given to provinces that have higher average under 65 year old women heads of household in the country and with the cooperation of relevant departments.”
Continuing, Bastani said: “Nationwide, 63.33 women heads of household are in the under 65 age group, and some of the provinces where the statistics of women heads of household is in the higher age range than the nation’s average include Sistan and Baluchistan, and Gulistan. The population of women that qualify for this project is over 1.042 million, and the project is being carried out for 10 percent of this population, which is approximately ten thousand.”
In the end Bastani said: “Some of the initial services provided in this project is the holding of skills and profession training, implementation of apprenticeship programmes, implementation and strengthening of self-employment programmes.”



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“ Implementation of 2nd Phase of Empowerment of Women Heads of Household – 65 years and under – in 15 Provinces ”