ODVV Statement on the Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre
ODVV Statement on the Sandy Hook Elementary...
Once again America and the world witnessed another senseless heinous act of butchery. The peace and tranquility of the small community in Newtown Connecticut was shattered at 9:30am on Friday the 14th of December, when 20 children aged between 6-7, and six adult were killed by a lone gunman.
While the Organization for Defending Victims of Violence expresses its deep condolences to the families of the bereaved and the American Nation, it also condemns in the strongest possible terms these senseless criminal acts, by anyone in any part of the world.
As a human rights NGO, the ODVV cannot help in being outraged by this and other similar incidents, especially when obviously there must be a sensible and logical measure that can be taken.
The ODVV respects the sovereignty and the right to self determination, and the domestic legislations of any member State of the United Nations. The ODVV understands that the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution highlights “every citizen’s right to bear arms” as it was written over two centuries ago during the turbulent times of the new fledgling United States of America, which following its Declaration of Independence on 4 July 1766, for several decades was still at war with the British Colonials.
The ODVV, however feels that in today’s world the 2nd Amendment as its text stands is somewhat archaic, and the only purpose that it serves is to promote easy access to lethal military grade weapons.
The ODVV firmly believes that the time is here and now that for once and for all a comprehensive solution is found to this problem. Legislators, jurists, NRA representatives, anti-gun representatives, psychologists, psychiatrists and the academia must get together and brainstorm to find a solution where while preserving the 2nd Amendment to adopt nationwide legislations for banning semi-automatic and automatic assault weapons.
The United States government must also find effective and binding solutions regarding the security of schools and universities across the nation. These measures could be the installation of metal detectors, complex CCTV system and increasing security guard presence.
It is heartbreaking to know that 20 innocent lives will not see this Christmas and any Christmases ever again. May they all rest in peace.