ODVV Statements at 15th Session of the Human Rights Counci

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ODVV Statements at 15th Session of the Human Rights Counci

Item 9 - IslamophobiaIn the name of Allah, the compassionate the merciful

Mr. President,
The respect to the religion and the holies of people is one of the demands of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent International Covenants. Unfortunately this big and unprecedented crime, desecration of the Holy Koran in other words, takes place in a land which is host to the United Nations itself. From some time ago, the reports of which were published on the specific day throughout the world, wise international scientists, religious scholars, academicians, and politicians, warned that this heinous act was contrary to and in violation of all universal principlas and laws, but sadly some unknown individuals, went ahead and committed a serious inhuman crime outside the gates of the White House, without the police intervening or interfering them.
Not only have this fools desecrated the Holy Koran, but they have also insulted Jesus Christ and His Mother Mary, whom they claim to be followers of. Why? Because Jesus has been mentioned in the Koran as a very Holy individual and His mother as the first lady of women of the world.

Mr. President,
Although the decision on burning the Holy Koran was condemned by the clergymen and the wise around the world and caused the preacher to abandon his plan, some unwise fools did this shameful act in some streets of America. We condemn this terrible offence against the Holy Koran seriously. It is surprising that such a wildly act has been done and the Holy Koran, the most sacred thing of a population of one and a half billion people has been desecrated in an era, known as the era of civilization. It is obvious that if they had not shown any disrespect to the Prophet in Europe, such events would not have happened in America. International authorities should take an action to stop these extremely offensive acts which scatter the seeds of enmity around the world. They should think and not allow a foolish and malicious group to disrupt the world peace easily. The enemies of the Holy Koran be aware that not only they can't degrade the greatness of the Holy Koran by doing these shameful acts, but also it proves their brutality. "But Allah will perfect His Light, though the unbelievers may be averse."

Thank you.
Item 3: Women and Children in Armed Conflict
Mr. President,

War and terrorism, homelessness and poverty still takes the most toll on the most vulnerable groups: women and children. African children are dying of starvation in front of the eyes of the world, the women forced to sexual slavery and contaminated with the HIV virus without a care in the world. Latin American children are enslaved by the greedy of the powerful, Iraqi women and children’s lives are in danger practically every day, even now that full security control has been handed back to the Iraqis and most of the foreign troops have left the; and the fate of Afghan women and children survivors of war is poverty, misery and homelessness, not much different to their Iraqi counterparts.

Mr. President,

Why is it that despite the existence of clear and specific conventions regarding the protection of civilians, the Israeli military in its indiscriminate attacks – on the excuse of Hezbollah or Hamas fighters in hiding – takes innocent civilians that include women and children’s lives without any consideration for international law, especially the Geneva Four Conventions, and in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Gaza namely, the situation continues to be dire with the continuation of the illogical and inhuman blockade?

Why is it that the Iraqi insurgents and the Taliban in Afghanistan disregarding the rights of children to life use them as decoys in suicide car bombings and other terror attacks?

Mr. President,

The world is still witness to the killing and maiming of women and children, rape and other sexual violence, abduction of women and children, attacks against schools and hospitals, denial of humanitarian access to women and children children, and denial of equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms to them.
Item 6: Sweden’s UPRMr. President,
Currently a large number of the refugees population of the world is made up of Iraqis, and the country with the highest intake of Iraqi refugees is Sweden. This is while the huge wave of Iraqi refugees has caused numerous problems for the Swedish government such as employment, schools, rise in population in some regions. Also this has resulted in Sweden to adopt some serious measures with regards to granting asylum to Iraqis, which are contrary to the international commitments of the country. In a joint effort with a number of countries, the Swedish government deported 56 refugees back to Baghdad; and the UNHCR accused them that these measures endangered the lives of these individuals. The forced repatriation of refugees to their countries and the endangerment of their safety and human dignity was the outcome of a decision that damaged the years of positive measures that Sweden had taken in support and protection of refugees.

Mr. President,
The spokesperson of the UNHCR in Sweden stressed that these deportations were tantamount to playing with the lives of refugees, because due to the continuation of the violence and conflict, the situation in Iraq was unstable, and expressed regret in the joint actions of these countries who deported them on mass.
Since most of the refugees where those who had no chance to return to Iraq, and religious minorities, victims of torture, or women victims of sexual abuse makes up most of the refugees’ population, therefore forced repatriation of this group, brings along dire consequences.

Mr. President,
This organization expresses its deep concern over the dangerous situation of Iraqi refugees and reminds that respecting human rights, for the acceptance and effective protection of refugees by the host countries is very important. The improvement of the human right’s situation in countries of origin to solve the refugees voluntary repatriation problem is necessary, and the protection of the human rights of home countries is the best way to prevent situations from occurring where people are forced into refuge.
This organization believes that the diversity and complexity of refugees’ issues today, will not be resolved through separate efforts. What is needed is a comprehensive approach to this issue. For the UNHCR this method should not mean just concentrating on assistance and protection in the host countries, but this assistance and support should also take place in the countries of origin too, so that the refugee problems is prevented or at least subsided.
Finally it is states that must, within the UN system to actively participate in unpredictable and dangerous situations so that those countries who are faced with huge waves of refugees can receive the necessary and needed assistance swiftly.
Thank you.
Item 6: Universal Periodic Review

Joint Statement:
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence & Charitable Institute for Protecting Social Victims

Mr. President
The Charitable Institute for Protecting Social Victims and ODVV is deeply concerned about the increases in racially motivated crimes, racist propaganda and sex tourism, as well as about the situation of unaccompanied migrant children and the lengthy holding of such children in custodial centers.
It concerns the recent Increase in incidents of racism and xenophobia against minorities, refugees, asylum-seekers and migrants, as well as about incidents of Islamophobia. Anti-Semitic crimes and that Muslims had been denied employment.
high levels of child abuse and Neglect and other domestic violence; continued discrimination against immigrants, refugees and minority women; the non-criminalization of torture; the denial of access to facilities to Muslim women; and racist and xenophobic overtones in the public arena and discrimination against Muslims.

We urge the Swedish government to
Pay more attention to the issues of Islamophobia, hatred towards Muslims, and incitement to hatred against Islam and Muslims, including through newspaper articles and caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed published by certain media under the pretext of freedom of expression, which are an affront to many Muslims throughout the world and an affront to their beliefs and are denounced by all international instruments to which Sweden is a party
Widely distribute information on available domestic remedies against acts of racial discrimination and the legal means available for obtaining compensation in the event of discrimination
Intensify efforts intended to punish and prevent discrimination based on ethnic grounds in all areas of life, in particular in cases affecting children and women belonging to ethnic minorities, refugees and asylum-seekers and members of migrant families

Thank you,

“ ODVV Statements at 15th Session of the Human Rights Counci ”