ODVV Statements at 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council

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ODVV Statements at 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council

Item 3:General DebateDe nos jours, la plupart des penseurs occidentaux affirment que l'institution de la famille est en train de s'effondrer dans le monde à cause des facteurs qui la menacent parmi lesquels on peut nommer l'augmentation du nombre des famille à un seul parent, la suicide des jeunes, la consommation des drogues, la mauvaise traitement des enfants et des femmes, libertinage sexuel, le mariage des homosexuels, etc.
L'adoption des lois protégeant les homosexuels dans certains pays changera la généalogie des individus et créera un processus anormal en ce qui concerne l'enfant bouleversant ainsi les fondements de la société.
La crise sexuelle est devenue l'un des défis les plus importants auxquels l'occident est confronté. Cependant, les hommes politiques occidentaux cherchent à atteindre d'autres objectifs en accueillant favorablement cette nouvelle situation et, malheureusement, la santé de la société et la dignité humaine sont gravement affectées par ces questions particulières et surtout politiciennes.

Les activistes des droits de l'homme ont déjà exprimé leur colère en organisant des manifestations et des protestations rassemblant des centaines de millier de personnes.

Nous, en tant qu'une organisation non gouvernementale, tout en exprimant notre inquiétude du fait que dans certains pays le mariage (la vraie famille) est presque remplacé l'union libre, nous pensons que la liberté accordée par la loi sur l'homosexualité va faire disparaître la notion de la famille dans ces pays.

Cependant, la famille, dans son vrai sens, est en train de mourir. Dans ces conditions, ceux qui souffrent le plus ce sont les enfants, les centres d'intérêt de la famille, qui sont remis en question moralement et psychologiquement tout comme la dignité humaine. Les prochaines générations seront les vraies victimes de cette décadence.

Nous, les ONG partisanes d'une lutte sérieuse contre ces lois illégitimes, demandons à la société mondiale de s'abstenir de dévaloriser la société humaine en adoptant de telles lois immorales.
Item4:Statement on Special Rapporteur's Report on I.R.Iran Mr. President
The special Procedures are human rights machinery, with the purpose to encourage the interlocutors to comply with the norms, rules, standards envisaged in the bill of human rights. This lofty goal could not be achieved in the mere subjective and hypothetic ground.
The case of promotion of human rights in the Iran, should inevitably take the conceptual framework in which human rights obligations are to be realized into account in particular the imposed atmosphere of military threat, economic and social sanctions targeting Iran.
The honorable special rapporteur by challenging the Islamic law or Iran's constitution, or sometimes by ignoring the immense threats affecting Iran, for example not recognizing the organized crime of drug trafficking as serious crime, should not expect to harvest the fruits.
Against the actual backdrop the weak interaction between governmental side and special rapporteur bears, no results . Undoubtedly, in lack of genuine exerted efforts and unhealthy slogans, enforcement of mutual cooperation and understanding, the objectives for which, this council of human rights was established seven years before, would not be attainable.
ODVV strongly believes that the Special rapporteur's report confronts sometimes with two different norms and rules domestically vis-à-vis internationally. His objective could not be realized by adversarial approach.
Mr. Special rapporteur, try to provide an appropriate ground by encouraging interactive dialogue between the defenders of two legal regimes, including parliamentarians, judiciary, law enforcement as well as academic and religious jurists for better mutual understanding.
With this in mind, you would succeed in rectifying, certain instances of procedural and behavior wrongdoings, which run contrary to the Islamic doctrine, as well as against international standards.
Item4: General DebateMr. President
Terrorism is a global issue and a destructive threat against national and international order and security. The primary victims of this phenomenon are the human beings who innocently become victims of assassination, hostage taking and kidnapping; the people who lose their lives, peace and security.
Although the peace and security of the world has been inflicted by terrorists, an appropriate measure against them has not been designed yet. On one hand, militarization under the name of fighting against terrorism has significantly increased the power of political and security authorities and subsequently minimized civil and political freedom. Such approaches have occasionally ended up with the violation of human rights while countering terrorism. On this basis, the Resolution 15/15 of the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed a Special Rapporteur to monitor this problem for preventing the violation of human rights. On the other hand, the instrumental view on terrorism and the adoption of double standards regarding terrorism, has frequently allowed terrorists to expand their activities.
Mr Peresident
At the end, a global coalition beyond political, ideological, ethnic and religious considerations, founded on the principles of human rights is required for countering terrorism. Also, in order to have a world without terrorism, the governments must avoid adopting double standards. Meanwhile, national and international entities should coordinately take serious and effective steps for conceptual clarification of this issue, framing a precise definition of terrorism
Item 6: General debateMr. President,
Reiterating the importance and function of the UPR mechanism, the ODVV believes that now the time is right to damage assess this process.
One of the weak points of the UPR is the repetition of the same recommendations by different countries. This process, reduces some opportunities for all sided review of the human rights situation within the state under review
Mr. President,
Another point is, Israel’s refusal to take part in its UPR was a heavy blow to the universality and non-selectivity and accountability of States to the mechanism. We believe the Council must select a mechanism that will bring serious consequences to these types of measures for States to refrain from doing what Israel did.
Unfortunately Israel is the founder of a trend that if serious measures are not taken against, that we can easily say that the UPR mechanism will lose all its credibility within a few years.
We recommend that in this Session a resolution that reiterates the necessity for positive and all sided cooperation of states with the UPR be adopted. It must not be forgotten that damaging the UPR’s unity, will have negative effect on the opportunities that have been brought about for the civil society in positive involvement for the improvement of the human rights situation around the world in coordination with the UN and relevant State under review.
We hope that lessons learned from the first round of the UPR, alongside the will of countries to further distance themselves from the politicized human rights debates, the second round of the UPR turns into tool for the real improvement of human rights situation around the world.
Item7: General DebateMr. Presiden
As one of the biggest violators of human rights, Israel has a black history in disregarding international law and treaties. Despite international criticisms, in 2012 we witnessed Israel’s suspension of cooperation with the Human Rights Council, and absence in its own UPR session. While condemning this action of Israel, the ODVV expresses its concern that the lack of cooperation of countries with the UPR mechanism becomes customary.
Moreover, some other breaches of basic Palestinians' rights are:
Despite repeated international calls for Israel to end the Gaza Strip blockade, it is continued and according to the WHO Office in Gaza by 2016 water in the region will be undrinkable, until it is purified.
The conditions of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons are very worrisome since many prisoners are being abused and tortured by the Israelis. Meanwhile it is expected of Israeli officials to suspend the Administrative Detention phenomenon, and facilitate the trial of these detainees.
Israel continues to construct and expand settlements in the West Bank. The E1 project completely changes the Palestinian nature of East Jerusalem and causes the splitting up of the West Bank which is fully banned according to international resolutions. Also, the IDF systematically demolishes Palestinian homes and confiscates the land. According to the "Wadi Halweh Centre", in the second half of 2012, on average, Israelis destroyed four Palestinian homes per month, mostly in Jerusalem. Moreover, despite the Geneva Conventions, Israeli officials take Palestinian’s natural resources and try to make it legal
The ODVV stresses that to prevent further violation of Palestinians’ rights, more effective and robust international mechanisms must be adopted to force Israel to observe international human rights commitments.
Item 8: General Debate, Human Rights and Cultural DiversityMr. President,
French philosopher, Jacques Martin has a famous saying that goes: “It is true that we agree on the determination and recognition of what is human rights, on the condition that no one asks us why.”
We believe just as article 5 of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, and also the Preamble and text of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity state, we can place both these concepts alongside each other and through finding the minimum common denominators between the two maximum-minimum groups, we can reach a balanced view, and benefit from the positive points of both. In this method the existence of different legal systems with different laws and characteristics are accepted, and we can avoid their incorporation, but at the same time efforts to be made to find common principles to link these outwardly diverse legal systems together.
We believe that human rights is based on a unique culture. Therefore instead of pointing out some universal inclusive cultural standards for human rights, efforts for inclusive specific human rights standards must be made after initially a cultural foundation is made. Within this culture these standards are accepted by society as normal and ordinary laws and more importantly from multiculturism, and reign people’s minds, in such way that without them this identity may not be recognizable.
The ODVV believes if this process can move forward in a balanced way and without getting dragged into political games, then the differences in cultures and customs will not only be an obstacle in the way of the enjoyment of the positive benefits of the universality of human rights, but it will turn into a catalyst for the completion and strengthening of the principles observed by all in the realm of human rights.
Item9: General DebateMr. President;
Although Islamophobia has increased over the last three decades, the 9/11 terror attacks gave some western governments an effective excuse to create a frightening taboo from Islam, and impose it upon their public opinions.
Linking of Islamophobia to freedom of expression, makes the efforts of human rights activists for the reduction of Islamophobia fruitless.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights stress on everyone’s right to freedom of opinion and expression. This is while in today’s world, we witness efforts are made to stir up religious emotions and expand Islamophobia on the pretext of freedom of expression.
The thing that is certain is that in a society where Islamophobia is campaigned, the grave violation of human rights is also present.

While condemning the measures and treatments that take place against Muslims which have no conclusions but the escalation of baseless religious hatred, the ODVV once again as stated in the 5 previous Sessions of the Human Rights Council, calls for further consideration of subjects such as dialogue among religions and clearing the ambiguities caused by wrong impressions of divine religions, and to give a joint mandate to the Special Rapporteurs on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion and Belief to find practical and sustainable solutions for overcoming this problem.
We hope that by accepting and starting of this initiative, the followers of divine religions can live in peace and tranquility, and respect each others’ beliefs.
The ODVV believes that one of the most important measures which will result in a more effective fight against human rights violations that are caused by Islamophobia is to be committed to international law and human rights, and to recognize defamation of religion as hate speech.

“ ODVV Statements at 22nd Session of the Human Rights Council ”