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Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
year period through the signing of a
tripartite agreement between the ODVV,
BAFIA and the UNHCR. These projects
have trained approximately 960 Afghan
refugees resident in Tehran province that
include men and women and with the aim
of reduction of violence, strengthening the
family institution, life skills and prevention
of child abuse in the family training.
Related Recommendation:
Ban on Torture and Physical
Punishment and Joining the
Convention against Torture
The ODVV has always worked hard
towards the rehabilitation of victims of
torture, particularly when considering the
ODVV is a member of IRCT and also
member of the Central Council of this
- Torture
1. Commemoration of the
International Day in Support of
Torture Victims
As a member of IRCT, the ODVV
commemorates this international day
every year in the form of education
workshops which open with the reading
of the UN Secretary General’s message
for the day by representative from UNIC
in Tehran. In these workshops which
are held with the presence of NGOs
and mental health experts, the common
psychotherapy damages caused by
torture, various types of torture, existing
treatment methods in facing victims are
reviewed and debated theoretically and
It must be said that the ODVV has
continuous presence in all international
sittings and conferences such as the
AMMAN Network in the Middle
East and North Africa, IRCT annual
conference, which is made up of 144
rehabilitation centres from around the
Also a book entitled “Review of the
Dimensions of Torture in the Islamic
Legal System, Domestic Iranian Laws,
and International Documents” has been
published by the ODVV. The Istanbul
Protocol is another example of ODVV’s
activities in the field of torture which it
translated to Farsi and published it.
Related Recommendation:
Economic, Welfare and Employment
The International Day for the
Eradication of Poverty is commemorated
each year by the United Nations. With
the aim of raising awareness of economic
rights, on the occasion of this day in 2008
the ODVVV implemented a project in a
simultaneous way with the participation
of more than 40 schools in Tehran with
16,854 students, and thus Iran joined this
global project. In this ceremony the UN
Secretary General’s message for the day
was read by a representative from UNIC
in Tehran.
Related Recommendation:
Protection of Children’s Rights
Protection of women’s rights,
elimination of inequalities
and improvement of women’s
conditions and creation of equal
job opportunities and also
recommendation for Iranian women
that are married to foreign nationals
to have the right of citizenship for
their children.
Through holding education workshops
and commemoration of international days
and with the belief in justice, equality
and observation of everyone’s rights,
particularly women and children, the
ODVV endeavours to promote a culture
of nonviolence.