Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
- Women and Children
1. Commemoration of the International
Day for the Elimination of all Forms of
Discrimination against Women
On the occasion of this international day,
with the cooperation of UNIC in Tehran, the
ODVV hold commemoration ceremonies in
the formof speeches andeducationworkshop
with the presence of lecturers and university
science group members and governmental
and nonogovermental experts in the ODVV
conference hall.
2. Women’s Rights in the Judicial Justice
Process International Conference
In 2008 this international conference was
held with the presence of researchers and
jurists from Iran, Pakistan, Bahrain, Iraq,
Sudan, Australia, Italy, and Switzerland,
by the ODVV and with the cooperation
of the High Council of Human Rights
of the Judiciary, the Tehran General and
Revolutionary Court Prosecutor’s Office,
the General Justice Department of Tehran,
Charitable Institute for the Protection of
Social Victims and UNA-Iran. The aim of
this conference was the promotion of the
role of women judges in the justice process
and issuing of sentences, promotion of
the capacity of women and presentation
of practical methods for further access to
justice and transfer of useful international
achievements and experiences in the judicial
justice process for the realization of women’s
rights.It must be said that the International
Day of the Family and the Strengthening
of the Family Institution with Reliance on
Reduction of GBV, and the preparation and
publication of the Beijing +15 book, sitting
on the review of panning a working agenda
for safe family are some of the other activities
of the ODVV in the field of women.
3. World Free of Violence Worthy of
Children Conference
The World Free of Violence worthy
of Children Conference was held on the
occasion of Universal Children’s Day, within
the framework of the Cluster Project on the
Promotion of Human Rights and Greater
Access to Justice.The aimof the raisingof the
addressees awareness of the rights and needs
of children, and their sensitisation towards
children’s suffering and the promotion of a
culture of respect to children’s rights.
4. Commemoration of the World Day for
the Prevention of ChildAbuse
Each year on the occasion of Universal
Rights of the Child Day, the ODVV holds
workshops on various subjects, such as “family
therapy based on outward disorders in children
and juveniles”, “the pathology of abusive
parents, and psychotherapeutic new treatments
for abused children”, and “prevention of child
abuse. TheUNSecretaryGeneral’smessage for
the day is read on these commemoration days.
Also regarding children, education workshops
that include analytical psychotherapy, parenting
skills, legal and psychological dimensions
review of child abuse, and the children, silent
victims of war conference was held on the
occasion of the International Day of Child
Victims of Violence and Military Aggression.