Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
2. Eradication of poverty: 3 instances
3. Support for the disabled: 7 instances
4. Development of the health and treatment and insurance systems: 11 instances.
d) Improvement of the religious minorities conditions overall: 23 instances
e) Prohibition of torture and physical punishment and joining the ConventionAgainst
Torture: 19 instances
f) Setting up of a “national human rights institution”:: 19 instances (most
recommendations came fromAfrica and South Asia, and only Portugal from Europe)
g) Support for the expansion of human rights overall: 19 instances
h) Allowing UN Special Rapporteur on human rights access: 18 instances (mostly
North American and European countries)
i) Attention to ethnicities and minorities and elimination of inequalities: 10 instances
j) Provision of political freedoms such as assemblies, freedom of expression…: 13
instances (Canada in its references, which has been documented, and indicates the use
of a professional group in this regard, points out that these instances have also stated in
the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran)
k) Protection of journalists and the media: 12 instances
l) Necessity to have access to a healthy judicial system and lawyer and protection of
political prisoners and journalist prisoners and improvement of temporary detention
centres’ conditions: 8 instances
m) Protection of children’s rights: 7 instances
n) Migrants and refugees rights: 6 instances
o) Observation of the rights of homosexuals and restraint from their execution: 6
p) Prohibition of forced and premature marriages of children and juveniles: 5
q) Necessity to end house arrest cases: 4 instances
r) Access to the interent: 3 instances
s) Prohibition of marrying stepchildren
t) Call to join the following conventions: 12 instances:
1. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
2. Convention against Torture
3. Rome Statue of the ICC (which has been signed by Iran but the Parliament has not
ratified it)
4. Convention on the Rights of Migrant Workers.
1- Prohibition of marrying stepchildren
2- Access to the internet
3- Necessity to end house arrest cases
4- Prohibition of forced and premature
marriages of children and juveniles
5- Observation of the rights of homo-
sexuals and restraint from their execution
6- Migrants and refugees rights
7- Necessity to have access to a healthy
judicial system and lawyer and protec-
tion of political prisoners and journalist
prisoners and improvement of temporary
detention centres’ conditions
8- Necessity to have access to a healthy
judicial system and lawyer and protec-
tion of political prisoners and journalist
prisoners and improvement of temporary
detention centres’ conditions
9- Protection of journalists and the media
10- Provision of political freedoms such
as assemblies, freedom of expression…
11- Attention to ethnicities and minori-
ties and elimination of inequalities
12- Allowing UN Special Rapporteur on
human rights access
13- Support for the expansion of human
rights overall
14- Setting up of a “national human
rights institution”
15- Prohibition of torture and physical
punishment and joining the Convention
Against Torture
16- Improvement of the religious minori-
ties conditions overall
17- Economic, welfare and employment
18- Opposition to any form of capital
punishment: 39 instances; the abolish-
ment of the death penalty in general
form: 24 instances; abolishment of the
death penalty in specific terms for
individuals under 18 or under 18 year
old criminals: 12 instances; suspension
of punishment by stoning
19 - Protection of women’s rights, elimi-
nation of inequalities, and improvement
of women’s conditions and creation of
equal job opportunities and also recom-
mendation of the right for an Iranian
woman national to have her child be an
Iranian national too, in the event of her
marrying a foreign national