Au t umn&wi n t e r
2 0 1 4 & 2 0 1 5
The Role of the Human Rights Council in
the Improvement of the Accountability of
States towards Human Rights
One of the main duties of international
organizations today is the creation
of an atmosphere of conciliation and
cooperation among the actors and
organizations must pursue avoidance
of the politicization of international
relations or in other words, reduce the
dominance of tough policies (military-
political) and strengthen soft policies
(cultural, social and environmental).
To this aim, as the main international
human rights organization, the Human
Rights Council, has place the increasing
of states’ accountability towards human
rights issues in its working agenda via a
universal mechanism.
To what extent have international
organizations, have reached the target
which is states’ accountability towards
human rights issues, havebeensuccessful
is a question cannot be answered with
certainty; because there is no way to
proof with certainty some issues. We
cannot count the number of human rights
violations that international mechanisms
and organizations have been able to
prove, nor can we say with certainty that
these mechanisms have played a role in
prevention of global and regional crises
resulted by human rights violations, but
to what extent countries have cooperated
with these mechanisms, is one of the
instances that requires further review.
Another problem that prevents our
question be answered with certainty
is the issue that in nature failure and
success are relative concepts, meaning
that because international organizations
are made up of a number of actors
(mainly rivals), and each one have
become members of the organization
with a specific objective, therefore from
their own aspects and based on achieving
their own objectives, they look at it’s
failure or success. On the other hand,
any theory and approach have different
interpretations of international relations
and players realities, and each are from
their own principles and assumptions
that originate from different ontology
and epistemology and methodology,
views the subject of cooperation of
states on that basis and draws a different
odel to achieve it.
Another point that must be considered
is that, today with the changes in the
rules of the international order, we also
witness the changes in the views of the
powers and international organizations
in all of this without a doubt are one of
the most influential players which have
ultimately caused a change in the type
of game. In other words, governments
have clearly understood that in the new
century and the highlighting of subjects
such as human rights, the environment,
By: Farzane Mostofi
Researcher of
International Relations
To this aim, as the main international human
rights organization, the Human Rights Council,
has place the increasing of states’ accountability
towards human rights issues in its working
agenda via a universal mechanism.