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Summer 2017
eace is a calm condition, without concern and cause worry, conflict and
confrontation. Peace is deemed a universal ideal. Peace is one of the oldest
ideals of Mankind, and the establishment of peace in the world has a direct
connection with human rights.
Such an experience in the contemporary times have grown and developed in such
way that the world’s nations and governments have reached the belief that human
rights and peace ae necessary for each other, in a way that lasting and genuine
peace cannot be accomplished without observing human rights, and without
peace it cannot be expected that human rights are fully observed and respected.
Furthermore in today’s world the right to peace has been deemed as one of the
highlighted rights of the Third Generation of Human Rights, and the right to peace
is deemed as one of the fundamental rights of Mankind, in a way that the practical
realisation of human rights is linked to its existence. In other words, the right to
peace forms another fundament of human rights.
Tourism is a universal phenomenon which is made up of several dimensions with
deep and amazing effects which different nations around the world, have directly
been faced with through welcoming travellers and tourists from all corners of the
world, and pursue suitable solutions for its improvement and promotion. Tourism
is a suitable tool which can be utilised to bring cultures closer together and benefit
from it by teaching peoples on other cultures and environments.
Tourism has a powerful potential on relations between different nations, one of the
most important ones of which can be the establishment or expansion of peace across
the world. The tourism industry can be seen as a valuable tool in public diplomacy
and international development. Also this important phenomenon can be considered
as a powerful answer to global challenges, insecurity and terrorism. In fact with a
deep and overall look at the tourism industry, interesting and notable conclusions
have been reached the most important one of which is the establishment of peace in
The Relationship between Peace
and Tourism
By: Benyamin Sadeghi
Researcher in International Relations