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Summer 2017
the world; in a way that some legal experts
and tourism industry researchers believe
that not only peace can be considered
as one of the effects of tourism, but this
industry is one of the suitable methods to
spread peace among different nations of
the world.
The Status of Tourism Based on Peace
In 2017, the UN General Assembly
approved naming the year, the
International Year of Sustainable Tourism
for Development.
With the approval of this Resolution (4 December 2015) the importance and the
role of international tourism has been raised and this naming officially recognises
the deep understanding of nations of each other, further recognition of the rich
heritage of various civilisations, observation of inherent values of different cultures
and as a result their participation in the strengthening of global peace.
With the naming of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for
Development World Tourism Organization Secretary General deemed, it a unique
opportunity to further help tourism to realise the concept of sustainability (from
three economic, social and environmental aspects, which raises public awareness
of the functions of tourism industry whose real value is often underestimated.
The naming of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for
Development is an important moment in history, because recently (September
2015), the international community the 2030 Guidelines and the MDG which have
been ratified by the UNGeneralAssembly, the international community has chosen
it as its movement guidelines. Also in the Sustainable Development Conference
which presented global solutions for the environment and natural resources with
the overall aim of achieving sustainable development through protection of vital
(living) resources, and was seriously noted by thinkers and philosophers, it was
stressed that there can be no hope to realise peace and human rights without
sustainable development. On condition of its correct design and management,
tourism can realise sustainable development, create jobs and business.
Tourism has been noted in three of the MDG goals:
- The MDG regarding to the promotion of continued economic, universal and
sustainable growth, full and profitable employment, and suitable occupation for
- The sustainable production and consumption goal and sustainable protection and
use of oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
According to the World
Tourism Organization, Iran
is in fifth place for having
natural attractions and tenth
for having cultural-historic