A Look at Human Rights Council and UNHCHR Programmes and Adoptions

Blog ID : #3740
Publish Date : 08/14/2023 10:55
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The ODVV regularly reviews the Human Rights Council and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights programmes and adoptions. The following content is period

According to the ODVV research team the documents are as follows:
✳️ On 24 July the UN Human Rights Committee adopted its reports on the follow-up on the final observations on Mexico, Niger, Portugal and Senegal.
✳️ Due to extensive delays in flights and lack of suitable options replaced trael, the planned two-day official mandate that was to take place to Chad between 24-26 July by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights was cancelled.
✳️ The UN Committee against Torture in its reports on 24 June approved its reports on the follow-up of final observations, individual communications and coercive measures under the Convention against Torture and other Cruel punishments and behaviors.
✳️ On 25 July the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said with the passage of one year following the killing of 50 Ukrainian POWs in the Donetsk region of Ukraine under temporary Russian Federation military control, justice has still not been served.
✳️ A number of UN human rights experts on 25 July expressed concern over the recent adoption of amendments to the criminal law on slander law in the Serpska Republic which affects freedom of expression in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
✳️ On 26 July, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern over the recent general elections in Cambodia which took place in a very restricted atmosphere.
✳️ On 26 July a number of UN human rights express warned that the decision of a court in Trinidad and Tobago that the 1951 Refugee Convention is not applicable in the two islands, can have severe repercussions for international support for migrants.
✳️ On 26 July the UN Committee on Human Rights published its findings on Brazil, Burundi, Columbia, Cyprus, Lesou, Palestine and Uganda, ending its 138th Session.
✳️ On 26 July the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights following the request of the Human Rights Council, appointed Antonia Urgula a Chilian lawyer active in human rights and rights of indigenous peoples) as human rights expert on obstacles in the way of the implementation of the 2016 peace agreement.
✳️ On 26 July a number of UN human rights experts declared that the international community must take measures to prevent the annexation of Palestinian lands to Israel, otherwise accept the dangers of accepting Israel’s systematic violation of international law.
✳️ On 27 July the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed grave concern towards rise in violence and retreating from the observation of the rights of indigenous peoples in Ecuador.
✳️ On 27 July the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern over the attempts to undermine the elections in Guatemala which can result in failure to respect the will of the voters.
✳️ On 28 July the UN Committee against Torture published its findings on New Zealand, Romania, Spain and Switzerland ending its 78th Session.
regarding the human rights situation in the Russian Federation called for the immediate release of journalists and top Russian government opposition activists

“ A Look at Human Rights Council and UNHCHR Programmes and Adoptions ”