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 human-rights-council - A Look at HRC and UNHCHR Programmes and Adoptions in the last 2 Weeks
A Look at HRC and UNHCHR Programmes and...
On a regular basis the ODVV reviews and monitors the programmes and adoptions of the Human Rights Council and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The...
 human-rights-council - A Look at Human Rights Council and UNHCHR Programmes and Adoptions
A Look at Human Rights Council and UNHCHR...
The ODVV regularly reviews the Human Rights Council and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights programmes and adoptions. The following content is...
 human-rights-council - Clean Environment Is a Human Right Now
Clean Environment Is a Human Right Now
The UN’s main human rights body has overwhelmingly voted to recognise the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right, and...
 human-rights-council - Roots of terrorism are all the same
Roots of terrorism are all the same
Terrorism, regardless of where it hits, originates from the same ideology. Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi emphasized condemning the terror...