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Page 14 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 260 - 280
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  - Landmines in Iran Continue to Claim Victims
Landmines in Iran Continue to Claim Victims
After almost three decades since the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, Iran’s border regions with Iraq are still polluted with mines, which has been and is...
  - Life Beneath Bombs and Behind Blockade
Life Beneath Bombs and Behind Blockade
It was 9 on a hot summer morning in 2015 when the airstrike destroyed Ashwaq’s home, killing her four children as they ate breakfast. It was my first case in...
  - Life on Earth is Dying
Life on Earth is Dying
On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist....
  - Migration to Europe: Refugee Crisis
Migration to Europe: Refugee Crisis
The arrival of more than a million refugees and asylum seekers in Europe in 2015, created a crisis that caused problems to European countries, a problem that...
  - Modern slavery in developed countries more common than thought
Modern slavery in developed countries more...
A report on modern slavery around the world has found that the number of slaves in developed nations, including the United States and United Kingdom, is much...
Page 14 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 260 - 280