Kulbari, or piggyback transportation of goods across the border, is a phenomenon, which is closely tied to livelihood of many border dwellers in Iran and...
After almost three decades since the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, Iran’s border regions with Iraq are still polluted with mines, which has been and is...
Attacks on residential buildings, markets and hospitals – which are enabled by weapons exports to the military coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the United...
It was 9 on a hot summer morning in 2015 when the airstrike destroyed Ashwaq’s home, killing her four children as they ate breakfast. It was my first case in...
On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist....
Tourism companies all also list numerous hotels, B&Bs, attractions or tours in Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). They are...
Literacy rate in Iran has increased by 2.85 percent between 2011 and 2016, director of the Literacy Movement Organization (ILMO), Ali Baqerzadeh, said.
Bahraini prisoners suffering cancer, multiple sclerosis and sickle-cell anaemia do not have access to medical care, Amnesty International said Friday,...
“In political and financial terms, the Saud-Philby strategy has been an astonishing success. But it was always rooted in British and American intellectual...
Despite the fact that some British authorities believe their country is the most popular destination for those immigrants, the UK receives less than half of...
“Migration status is irrelevant to every human being’s dignity and their right to live. Instead of putting people’s health at increased risk, governments...
The arrival of more than a million refugees and asylum seekers in Europe in 2015, created a crisis that caused problems to European countries, a problem that...
The United States and Saudi Arabia signed a 110 billion dollar arms agreement recently. This agreement was finalised in the recent US president’s first visit...
A report on modern slavery around the world has found that the number of slaves in developed nations, including the United States and United Kingdom, is much...
Between 2001 and 2017, more Americans have been killed in attacks by homegrown right-wing extremists with no connection to Islam than by Muslim terrorists or...
In its latest published figures in December 2017, the Cultural-Social Deputy of Tehran Municipality announced that 14 thousand aid seekers are being covered...
Richard Murphy, the former U.S. ambassador to Damascus, rejects the view that Donald Trump reacted hastily and impulsively to alleged chemical weapons attack...