Blog List

Page 16 of 32 | Total Records : 639 | 300 - 320
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  - Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
The use of powerful sanctions in the misguided attempt to provoke regime change in Venezuela and Iran is not only likely to fail in its own right—in the long...
  - The ICC shows colonialism still thrives in international law
The ICC shows colonialism still thrives in...
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda’s visa revocation underscores the existing systematic inequality in international...
  - ODVV interview: Debate about racism and Australia’s history seems persistent and ongoing
ODVV interview: Debate about racism and...
In 2014, the Islamophobia Register of Australia was launched with the aim of documenting anti-Muslim hate crimes in response to the growing evidence...
  - International Women's Day 2019
International Women's Day 2019
A balanced world is a better world. How can you help forge a more gender-balanced world? Celebrate women's achievement. Raise awareness against bias. Take...
  - War crimes by Israeli forces
War crimes by Israeli forces
“The findings of this report must pave the way for justice for victims of war crimes, and break the long-standing cycle of impunity for serious violations of...
Page 16 of 32 | Total Records : 639 | 300 - 320