For decades, Israel has violated and continues to violate every single human rights law on the planet to this day to, from the Geneva Conventions, to the...
The Christchurch attacks drew international attentions to the importance of tackling violent extremism and underlined the exigency of challenging religious...
"The Danish media portrayal of Danish Muslims is diverse and wide-ranging. I agree that part of the coverage can have a negative tone, but this is not...
Islamophobia is a huge source of concern in the 21st century, featuring itself in forms like anti-Muslim hate speech, intolerance in neighbourhoods,...
The US sanctions have taken a heavy toll on the Iranian citizenry, depriving millions of people of direly needed medicine and medical equipment, triggering...
Bahrain withdrew from the October election of the United Nations Human Rights Council following mounting criticism from several member states over its human...
it's shameful that some European countries and the United States export arms to countries such as Bahrain, which don't respect human rights and use these...
The Bahraini government is “deeply repressive”, not just from the Amnesty point of view, but it has been described so by most of international human rights...
Almost every major Western nation has a sizeable BDS movement. There are strong BDS campaigns in Africa and South America. The United States has repeatedly...
"Racism saturates the UK; from the everyday interactions in schools, factories and on the street, through to how legislation is framed and enacted. Crude...
I believe education has a crucial role to play in helping to bridge racial and religious divides. I cannot stress the importance of religious education as a...
In 2018, the University of Alabama published a study showing that when Muslims commit acts of violence, the US media report on it 357% more than violence...
A lot of people don’t realize the foundational role that children’s rights played in advancing civilization over this past century. The fact that the 1989...
The failure of governments to properly control pollution, and the failure of businesses to respect the environment, has resulted in a looming catastrophe for...
We can see the effects of climate change impacting on many rights such as the right to an adequate standard of living and the right to health, rights of...
Even the largest fossil fuel companies, as well as the corporate world, are now pushing for change because decarbonization is good for business and the...
To be sure, the G20 countries are primarily responsible for the climate change emergency. And they also have relatively more resources available to address...
In 2014, the Islamophobia Register of Australia was launched with the aim of documenting anti-Muslim hate crimes in response to the growing evidence...
A policy of depriving Iran of assistance in the fight against COVID-19 when neither a treatment nor a cure or vaccine exist – and when USA leads the world in...