Racism and injustice express themselves in many ways, and one of those ways is certainly environmental. Part of the solution to this problem lies in the...
Conflict over Kashmir started after the partition of India in 1947 when Maharaja Hari Singh, the governor of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir,...
There has always been a tension between the pursuit of economic objectives and that of environmental objectives.The scientists have clearly identified action...
Trump generally is not well-regarded or respected by US allies in Europe or Asia, and the withdrawal from the JCPOA and sanctions against Iran are a major...
despite President Biden’s gestures appealing to the Muslim community such as reinstating the Eid celebration at the White House, revoking the executive order...
Islamophobia mirrors historical movements of racism such as anti-Semitism and is founded upon the presumption that Islam is inherently violent and alien and...
Climate change has a tremendous impact on agriculture and food production. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reported that agricultural land...
A mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on 14th February this year claimed seventeen lives, making the tragedy one of...
"Apartheid has a very clear definition in political science. It is a system of government, supported by laws that discriminate among people living on the...
On 27 January 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump issued the executive order 13769, blocking the entry of the nationals of seven Muslim-majority countries into...
Trump has long history of racist behavior. You can trace the pattern easily, from lawsuits leveled at him by the Housing of Justice in the 1970s for turning...
Specifically, the Oasis Plan sees the construction of new water conveyances from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea, and from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.
The sanctions are primarily focused on financial measures but when you make it difficult to finance trade, it means that the overall sanctions have an effect...
It seems crazy to announce a “deal of the century” to the outside world when one of the main parties impacted by it, namely the Palestinian people, in Gaza,...
World Bank has projected that by 2030, climate change could force more than 132 million people into extreme poverty, and without adequate adaptation...
Experts and scholars believe the surge of Islamophobia in the United Kingdom has different triggers, including the anti-immigrant prejudice defining Brexit.
The Netherlands is reasonably expected to be a tolerant society. However, a recent study by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights has found that the...
Shortly before President Trump’s de-certification of the JCPOA, a Morning Consult–Politico survey found in May 2018 that 56 percent of Americans backed the...
The foreign policy of Trump administration is similarly highly controversial and questionable. He finds himself in a new skirmish with another country every...
While we attempt to separate us from American politics and ways of life, we are unmistakably tied to them ideologically and culturally. The Islamophobia...