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Page 19 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 360 - 380
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  - ODVV interview: Sanctions have a negative effect on human security in the targeted nations
ODVV interview: Sanctions have a negative...
Many observers believe the US sanctions run contrary to the principles of human rights as they make the life difficult for ordinary citizens and complicate...
  - ODVV interview: Systemic racism in the US assumes a variety of covert and overt forms
ODVV interview: Systemic racism in the US...
"All American citizens do not equally encounter police violence and extra-judicial killings. Many police officers around the country are never prosecuted for...
  - ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed Hegemony and the Emergence of a Mutlpolar World
ODVV Interview: The Decline of us Helmed...
Unilateral sanctions imposed by the US upon various countries are a blatant violation of human rights. We know from the experiences of so many countries that...
  - ODVV interview: The human impacts of the sanctions need to be studied and broadcast
ODVV interview: The human impacts of the...
"One should be clear that this is not merely US unilateralism, but the attempted unilateralism of the imperialist bloc. This bloc’s instruments are trade and...
Page 19 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 360 - 380