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Page 22 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 420 - 440
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  - Prison Alternative Punishments in Iran
Prison Alternative Punishments in Iran
One of the most important achievements of the new Islamic Penal Code (2013), is prison alternative punishments and doing community service.
  - Psychoanalyst: Trump is ‘depressed’
Psychoanalyst: Trump is ‘depressed’
“Understanding Trump requires understanding of three persons. One person is the one who sits in the Oval Office. Another is the person who has grown as a...
  - Race Issues in the United States
Race Issues in the United States
Slavery was abolished in the United States 150 years ago, following a bloody civil war between north and south. It took almost another 100 years before...
  - Refugee Crisis in Today’s World
Refugee Crisis in Today’s World
The world has faced one of the greatest human crisis in contemporary history, a crisis which seems does not want to subside and its ramifications increase on...
  - Rejections on the Deal of the Century
Rejections on the Deal of the Century
Most countries and organizations around the world have rejected US President Donald Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ and reiterated that the Israeli-Palestinian...
  - Repression in Saudi Arabia in full force
Repression in Saudi Arabia in full force
“Saudi Arabia cannot rehabilitate its international image so long as it harasses, arrests, and tortures its critics into submission or makes them flee abroad”
Page 22 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 420 - 440