The United States has reinstated all the sanctions that Iran was relieved from by virtue of the JCPOA and introduced new punitive measures, engendering a...
Human Rights Watch notes in its 2017 report that the government of UAE has continued to ban the representatives of international human rights organizations...
Governments must prioritize children. Too often, governments speak of caring for children, but their budgets and policy priorities do not reflect that.
It is well evidenced that taking action to prevent serious impacts from climate change makes a lot of sense economically. The problem is of course that...
Unfortunately, at a time of untold human suffering, the Trump administration has made drastic cuts to international aid to Yemen, including the suspension of...
It is regrettable to see that the world is witnessing various types of human rights violations by Saudi dynasty in silence. There are oppressions including...
ODVV’s Exclusive Interview with Federica D'Alessandra: The Burmese government is under an obligation to investigate and prosecute the crimes happening in...
On the one hand, ISIS is deeply Wahhabist. On the other hand, it is ultra radical in a different way. It could be seen essentially as a corrective movement...
Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission once again condemns the brutal killings of civilians in the Mirza Olang region of Sar-i-Pul province and...
Thirty-four percent of U.S. women say they worry "frequently" or "occasionally" about being sexually assaulted. That percentage essentially matches the 33%...
The secretary of the Tehran Province Fight against Drugs Commission gave news of the opening of 2 centres for the treatment of mother and child addicts in...
Despite sustained engagement by UNICEF and repeated calls to end night arrests and ill treatment and torture of Palestinian children in Israeli military...
Not even a year since the terror attack on the offices of Charlie Ebdu in Paris, and the hostage taking in a Paris supermarket which had been deemed a...
The extensive efforts of members of Parliament and human rights NGOs to get the rights for religious minorities to run for town and city council elections...
“We are deeply concerned that highly sophisticated intrusive tools are being used to monitor, intimidate and silence human rights defenders, journalists and...