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  - Welfare Organization Prevents Child Marriages
Welfare Organization Prevents Child Marriages
The director of the National Welfare Organization said: “in the event of prior knowledge the Organization with the help of the Judiciary will prevent child...
  - You Cannot Trap the 'Magic Rat': Trump, Congress and Geopolitics
You Cannot Trap the 'Magic Rat': Trump,...
A wonderful thing about observing and analyzing the human mind is that there is a seemingly infinite variety of phenomena to observe and analyze. I sometimes...
  - Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace
Donald Trump is a Threat to World Peace
One cannot understand the state of the world and the threats to the future of humanity without a sharp eye on the US. With the largest economy and half of...
  - Psychoanalyst: Trump is ‘depressed’
Psychoanalyst: Trump is ‘depressed’
“Understanding Trump requires understanding of three persons. One person is the one who sits in the Oval Office. Another is the person who has grown as a...
  - The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
Peace is a calm condition, without concern and cause worry, conflict and confrontation. Peace is deemed a universal ideal. Peace is one of the oldest ideals...
The Rohingyas — or at least some Rohingyas — are now being projected as terrorists, as “Jihadists” out to kill Myanmar soldiers and civilians. Myanmar...
  - Stop the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
Stop the ethnic cleansing in Myanmar
It’s time for the international community to wake up to the nightmare the Rohingya are living through. The preliminary evidence points to these attacks being...
  - Islamophobia holding back UK Muslims in workplace, study finds
Islamophobia holding back UK Muslims in...
Muslim men and women are being held back in the workplace by widespread Islamophobia, racism and discrimination, according to a study which finds that Muslim...
  - Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels
Israel Gives Secret Aid to Syrian Rebels
Israel has been regularly supplying Syrian rebels near its border with cash as well as food, fuel and medical supplies for years, a secret engagement in the...
Page 25 of 33 | Total Records : 644 | 480 - 500