Blog List

Page 26 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 500 - 520
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  - The 71th anniversary of Palestinian Nakba Day
The 71th anniversary of Palestinian Nakba Day
“Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and the Occupied Palestinian Territories are trapped in a cycle of deprivation and systematic discrimination with no...
  - The Bells of Hunger Can Be Heard in Yemen
The Bells of Hunger Can Be Heard in Yemen
The historical experience, particularly the dominant atmosphere in today’s world, indicates that human communities cannot escape armed conflicts, and...
  - The British modern slavery victims
The British modern slavery victims
The number of British people identified as modern slavery victims has surged by 72 per cent in a year, according to figures, fuelling concerns about “county...
  - The Child Labour and Street Children Problem
The Child Labour and Street Children Problem
On the subject of children, in each province on average there are 10 to 15 NGOs and charities related to children, and many are active on children nationwide...
  - The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
The Dangerous Soleimani Legal Opinions
"That military operation had many long-term consequences. One of the most dangerous is a set of extreme legal opinions drafted during the Trump...
  - The EU and Human Rights Defenders
The EU and Human Rights Defenders
The European Union (EU) and its member states are falling short on their commitment to support and protect human rights defenders (HRDs) who are facing...
  - The Golden Girl of Iran
The Golden Girl of Iran
Najmeh Khedmati was born in Birjand in 1996, she is the family’s firstborn and has two younger brothers. Her parents are cultural and financially are middle...
  - The ICC shows colonialism still thrives in international law
The ICC shows colonialism still thrives in...
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda’s visa revocation underscores the existing systematic inequality in international...
Page 26 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 500 - 520