Blog List

Page 27 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 520 - 540
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  - The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
The Relationship between Peace and Tourism
Peace is a calm condition, without concern and cause worry, conflict and confrontation. Peace is deemed a universal ideal. Peace is one of the oldest ideals...
  - The Roots of Violence in the Middle East
The Roots of Violence in the Middle East
Extremist and violent religious tendencies are not the cause of viciousness and violence but such behaviours are rooted in other fundamental factors which...
  - The Simla Agreement: Help or Hindrance
The Simla Agreement: Help or Hindrance
A sincere and serious effort towards a just settlement of the Kashmir dispute must squarely deal with the realities of the situation and fully respond to...
  - The U.S. is complicit in war crimes in Yemen
The U.S. is complicit in war crimes in Yemen
The Trump administration argues that its partnership with Saudi Arabia helps reduce civilian killings in Yemen. But State Department investigators and other...
Page 27 of 33 | Total Records : 645 | 520 - 540