The Journalist Support Committee (JSC) said it has documented 61 Israeli violations against journalists in the occupied Palestinian territories during July.
Monday’s planned demolition of a West Bank village and forcible transfer of its residents to make way for illegal Jewish settlements is a war crime that lays...
According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, by the end of June 2024, 77,704 Palestinians had been wounded, and more than 500 healthcare workers had been...
For all practical purposes. Despite the revelations of massive misconduct by banks and other financial services businesses, criminal investigations are rare,...
Although more than 700 million vaccine doses have been administered globally, richer countries have received more than 87 per cent, and low-income countries...
UN member countries rightly criticized Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers and questioned why incarceration rates of First Nations peoples remain so high.
The overuse of financial sanctions has spurred Russia, China, and now the EU to work on alternative institutions that would place their companies outside the...
"Whether it takes the shape of daily forms of racism and discrimination or more violent forms, Islamophobia is a violation of human rights and a threat to...
Criminal defamation laws that inhibit legitimate criticism of public officials are contrary to the right to freedom of expression and must be repealed. The...
This convention is specifically designed to address the rights of women and girls and recommends that states comprehensively and systematically eliminate...
Executions continue in Saudi Arabia, and following the execution of 47 people, including Sheikh Nimr, that took place early in 2016, which was met with...
On August 9, one day after the Pentagon notified Congress of its intention to sell $1.2 billion in weapons systems to Saudi Arabia, the Saudi-led coalition...
The UN’s main human rights body has overwhelmingly voted to recognise the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right, and...
According to the released news, millions of dollars a year are spent on increase of hatred against Muslims in flagrant contradiction with the United Nations...
The Citizen’s Rights Charter has been designed for the purpose of the “government’s programme and policy” which is the main subject of article 134 of the...