As President Trump was being feted in the palaces of the Saudi royal family after concluding a historic arms deal, Iranians were celebrating the outcome of a...
It is not difficult to nonviolently defend a targeted population against genocide. Vitally, however, it requires a leadership that can develop a sound...
It can confidently be said that in today's world, particularly in the recent decades, we hardly hear the word "peace", because in all corners of the world...
The President’s assistant on Citizen’s Rights Affairs said: “The addition of Citizen’s Rights to school textbooks can institutionalise this subject within...
One cannot understand the state of the world and the threats to the future of humanity without a sharp eye on the US. With the largest economy and half of...
Nowruz starts on the day of the vernal equinox, and marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It promotes values of peace and solidarity...
On 23 December 2003, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution (A/RES/58/234) designating 7 April, the start date of the 1994 genocide in...
“Unfortunately, President Trump just destroyed any possibility of two states” said Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian’s chief peace negotiator, after President...
I'm with the Executive Intelligence Review and the International Schiller Institute. I'm going to speak today on a theme I borrowed from Helga Zepp-LaRouche,...
The Christchurch attacks drew international attentions to the importance of tackling violent extremism and underlined the exigency of challenging religious...
"It is vital for the international community to intensify its engagement with parties to the conflict and other states, to combat impunity and support...
The Palestinians have maintained a steadfast commitment to their liberation and right of return for over seventy years and they’re not about to surrender all...
Specifically, the Oasis Plan sees the construction of new water conveyances from the Mediterranean to the Dead Sea, and from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea.
It seems crazy to announce a “deal of the century” to the outside world when one of the main parties impacted by it, namely the Palestinian people, in Gaza,...