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 S-AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
A pervasive perception in US policy circles and among US allies is that Iran seeks hegemony in the Middle East. Israel and other regional states often claim...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
U.S. sanctions on Iran are an act of war
The recent U.S. unilateral financial sanctions are cutting off Iranian banks from the international banking system, thereby making import of medicine and...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement
Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement
Deputy Minister of Health and Medical Education Karim Hemmati said that Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement cannot help solve the problem of US sanctions...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
The use of powerful sanctions in the misguided attempt to provoke regime change in Venezuela and Iran is not only likely to fail in its own right—in the long...
 S-AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
Sanctions are bringing suffering and death
A group of independent human rights experts at the United Nations have called on countries to lift -or at the very least, ease - sanctions to allow affected...
"In viewing the covid-19 pandemic through the prism of international power politics, Western governments, political observers and media pundits have not only...
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