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 S_AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Counting the cost of financial warfare
Counting the cost of financial warfare
The overuse of financial sanctions has spurred Russia, China, and now the EU to work on alternative institutions that would place their companies outside the...
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
Sanctions Can’t Spark Regime Change
The use of powerful sanctions in the misguided attempt to provoke regime change in Venezuela and Iran is not only likely to fail in its own right—in the long...
 S_AZ-S-AZ-Sanctions - ODVV interview: Iran should stick to the nuclear deal and make the U.S. the isolated party
ODVV interview: Iran should stick to the...
President Trump’s decision to upend the Iran deal and impose new sanctions on Iran met opposition from Washington’s European allies and marked a serious rift...