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 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
A pervasive perception in US policy circles and among US allies is that Iran seeks hegemony in the Middle East. Israel and other regional states often claim...
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Saudi demolition of historic Shiite homes stokes violence
Saudi demolition of historic Shiite homes...
Saudi Arabia is demolishing centuries-old homes in a Shiite town, leveling a historic district that officials say has become a hideout for local militants....
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Yemen in the Inferno of War and Children Suffering from Famine and Disease
Yemen in the Inferno of War and Children...
A wide range of acts from the massacre of civilians, women and children in particular to strikes against religious, historic and medical places are in the...
On the one hand, ISIS is deeply Wahhabist. On the other hand, it is ultra radical in a different way. It could be seen essentially as a corrective movement...
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Trump's ISIS challenge
Trump's ISIS challenge
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump declared that destroying ISIS would be his top foreign policy priority. He signaled his seriousness about...
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Geography of Shia Killing
Geography of Shia Killing
This report aims to cast a quick glance at a few examples of countries where Shia minorities or even majorities are target of massacre, restrictions and acts...
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Saudi Arabia’s Activities in Yemen and International Human Rights Mechanisms
Saudi Arabia’s Activities in Yemen and...
Two months have passed since the controversial announcement of the inclusion of the names of Saudi Arabia and its coalition in the UN black list of countries...
 S-ZA-S-ZA-Saudi-Arabia - Continuation of Extensive Human rights Violations in Saudi Arabia
Continuation of Extensive Human rights...
Executions continue in Saudi Arabia, and following the execution of 47 people, including Sheikh Nimr, that took place early in 2016, which was met with...