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 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - You Cannot Trap the 'Magic Rat': Trump, Congress and Geopolitics
You Cannot Trap the 'Magic Rat': Trump,...
A wonderful thing about observing and analyzing the human mind is that there is a seemingly infinite variety of phenomena to observe and analyze. I sometimes...
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
Understanding Iranian threat perceptions
A pervasive perception in US policy circles and among US allies is that Iran seeks hegemony in the Middle East. Israel and other regional states often claim...
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump’s dreams for the Levant land
Trump’s dreams for the Levant land
The Friday U.S. missile attack on the Shayrat airfield in Syria can mark the beginning of a different political-security era in the burning Middle East.
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump's ISIS challenge
Trump's ISIS challenge
During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump declared that destroying ISIS would be his top foreign policy priority. He signaled his seriousness about...
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump seeks new arms deal with Saudi Arabia
Trump seeks new arms deal with Saudi Arabia
The Trump administration is pursuing a new deal to provide precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia, as prior sales to the kingdom are facing new scrutiny.
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump has officially legitimated prejudice against Muslims: Prof Khaled Abou El-Fadl
Trump has officially legitimated prejudice...
The use of terms such as “radical Islam” or “Islamic terrorism” in media has psychological effects that leads to misunderstanding about Islam and Muslims, as...
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump and Human Rights
Trump and Human Rights
Donald Trump’s election as US president after a campaign fomenting hatred and intolerance, and the rising influence of political parties in Europe that...
 S-ZA-Donald-Trump - Trump Administration Considers Labeling Humanitarian Groups ‘Anti-Semitic’
Trump Administration Considers Labeling...
The Trump administration is considering labeling some of the most prominent humanitarian organizations in the world, including Amnesty International, Human...
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Page 1 of 5 | Total Records : 96 | 1 - 20