ODVV Statement on Terrorists attacks in Tehran
ODVV Statement on Terrorists attacks in Tehran
In the early hours of June 7th, the Iranian parliament (Majles) and the shrine of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran were under terrorist attacks. Attacks in which 17 innocent civilians were killed and more than 40 were injured.After the recent high-participated presidential election in Iran, which according to analysts and experts promoted the Iranian stability and influence in the region and in the world, the recent terrorist attack may be considered as a failed attempt to undermine religious democracy, peace and national security of Iran. What happened in Tehran today, was part of the current Anti-Iran (Iranphobia) movements and development which was in light of the recent U.S. President trip to Saudi Arabia and the signed armed-deal between the two. We believe Iranphobia has long come to an end and our country with more than 17 thousand victims of terror as one of the main victims of terrorism, continues to pay a huge price for its counter-terrorism acts and fights against extremism, terrorism and violence. ODVV emphasizes on the efforts required to finding and fighting the key factors of production and promotion of extremism and urges all to prevent the use of militant groups for political purposes. Our organization further condemns this terrorist act and calls upon the international organizations and community to take non-selective actions against international terrorism and the growing violence that has spread all around the world.