ODVV Holds Panel on the Violations of the Right to Food in the MENA Region
ODVV Holds Panel on the Violations of the Right...
According to ODVV public relations the theme was the violation of the right to food in the Middle Eastern regions and Africa. The conference was moderated by Ms Zahra Fartousi.
The Globethics.net Board President, Prof. Dr Christoph Stückelberger, the author of "Das Menschenrecht auf Nahrung und Wasser" (The human right to food and water), was one of the panellists. He stated that the right to food is the first human right. Highlighting the ethical perspective of this issue, Dr Stückelberger took the examples of Yemen, Burundi and Palestine: "Denying access to food and water is a weapon in war zones". He also added: "The right to food and water is inter-related to the right of education, the right to information and the right to receive an income" and listed obligations and recommendations to secure the right to food and water.
Mr Mohammad Al-Wazir, Director for Legal Affairs Rights Watch Association, spoke mainly about Yemen. Ports and railways are targeted by strikes and the population is therefore unable to receive any supplies.
The final panellist, Dr. Manoj Kurian, World Council of Churches Advocacy and Alliance coordinator and the ‘Food for Life' campaign coordinator focused mainly on Africa and the link between armed conflict and hunger. Among his examples were the famine and food insecurity issues in North-Eastern Nigeria. He concluded with the recommendation to take necessary measures to reconcile trade with the right to food.