Prevention of Domestic Violence and Life Skills Education Project

News ID : #1833
Publish Date : 08/15/2017 10:35
View Count : 1945
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According to the tripartite agreement between the ODVV, UNHCR and BAFIA the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Life Skills Education Project began on in May 2017 and is due to finish in September.

This project has been designed for 80 Afghan refugees (40 men and 40 women) in the 12 to 59 age group and with the aim of reducing social and mental abuse, increasing self-belief, and prevention of domestic violence among Afghans residing in the Varamin district.
Also in view of: 1– the need for this community to learn domestic violence prevention and reduction methods, 2– extensive positive response of refugees from previous conducted projects, and 3– the need to further expand these trainings to more vulnerable regions (such as Varamin; this project was designed. Based on the field visits and interviews that took place with the refugees and key Afghan community figures in Varamin, where the social and mental abuse levels – particularly domestic violence – are very high, which brings about irreversible consequences that include rise in addiction, suicides and various social damages. This same issue made the ODVV to pursue the holding of necessary training consecutively for the third consecutive year, for the refugee community in the Varamin and suburbs districts.
Also 80 direct beneficiaries of the project who will be trained as P2P in life skills and violence prevention methods, will each transfer what they have learned to 5 of their peers, which ultimately will see 400 Afghan refugees that are trained in the prevention and reduction of domestic violence.



























“ Prevention of Domestic Violence and Life Skills Education Project ”