Launching of the First Child 24 Hour Care Centre in Tehran for Children from...

News ID : #2037
Publish Date : 10/14/2017 12:40
View Count : 5678
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Launching of the First Child 24 Hour Care...
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The first child 24 hour care centre for children with dysfunctional families with the capacity of 150 children will be launched in the next two months in the Harandi district of Tehran.

Some activists are trying to further protect children with dysfunctional families in health, safety, nutrition and education. The first child 24 hour care centre for children with dysfunctional families will provide all its services for free to mothers who under their current circumstances cannot take care of their children.

Most of these women are drug addicts, have a floating life and are forced to move from place to place. The first permit of this 24 hour care centres has been issued by the Welfare Organization after two years of efforts and it will keep children under the age of 6 from seeing the dangerous behaviours of their mothers from damaging situations such as the use of drugs and prostitution of their mothers.

Fatemeh Daneshvar, the executive director of Mehrafarin Institute (as the only Institute that is launching the first centre in Harandit) told Magiran: “From two years ago, from when the Tehran City Council noticed the sale of infants in dangerous districts, the idea of launching these centres came to my mind so that children who due to legal vacuums do not have the possibility to be handed over to the Welfare Organization, to at least spend some hours from chaotic environments. Therefore it was then that we started training the team of trainers and social workers and now we are about to launch the first centre.”

According to this social activist, according to the statistics, in these two years, on average babies are born to addicts in dangerous districts, and unfortunately most of these children were subjected to child abuse and or sold. She continued: “of course we could hand 150 infants to the Welfare Organization according the law. Fortunately according to our test project on 10 families we noticed that the hours these children spent away from their mothers, greatly affected in the moral and mental development of the children. Because if a mother did not call, the child was living in a safe environment, but of course the mothers have also welcomed these centres.”







“ Launching of the First Child 24 Hour Care Centre in Tehran for Children from dysfunctional Families ”