We Have Targeted the Increase of the Legal-Judicial Culture of Society

News ID : #1992
Publish Date : 09/25/2017 16:01
View Count : 5294
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The deputy of the General Office of the Legal-Judicial Culture of the Judiciary’s Cultural Deputy, Akbar Tehrani said: “In order to prevent the people getting involved in legal-judicial problems, we must change the views of people towards legal awareness, and for this reason we have targeted the increasing of the awareness of society.”

Tehrani said: “In the cooperation agreement between the Cultural Deputy of the Judiciary and the Organization for the Beautification of Tehran City, seventy graphic artists and cartoonists collected more than 100 conceptual designs on the basis of legal-judicial messages, put them in display in the city Metro stations and other city structures in Tehran, so in this way the language of art is used to explain legal necessities.” Pointing to the coordinated move of the nationwide justice departments to utilise put to display of these designs, he added: “The utilisation of these capacities to increase people’s knowledge in the Judiciary has been unprecedented, and we intend to use similar capacities of other organizations to this aim.”

Stressing that public education and increasing people’s knowledge is a recommendation of the Supreme Leader to the Judiciary and also the expectation of the head of the Judiciary from the Cultural Deputy, Tehrani reassured: “This is the national duty of all departments that are involved with culture that they rush to the assistance of the Judiciary’s Cultural Deputy, and by carrying out similar projects to help improve the legal-judicial culture of society so that we can reduce the number of case files that arrive in the justice departments.”

Tehrani explained: “The meaning of having legal-judicial culture is that when people want to conduct even the smallest of economic and social activities and or a move with social repercussions, first they must think of the legal and judicial consequences; and just as they consult with professionals and economists for launching a business, they should also consult with a law expert too so that they do not get involved in judicial problems.”

He said one of the messages of the Cultural Deputy is to alert the people of the necessity to benefit from legal awareness and added: “If each individual of society knows that any wrong economic, social and cultural move, there are criminal examples, they will most certainly make a move with further care and study; and our aim is also to increase the legal-judicial knowledge of the people.” Tehrani also saw the knowing of correct procedures for judicial and justice bodies as another example of culture and legal awareness and said: “People must like other organizations, know the correct interaction way with the justice department so that this way they move one of the time consuming factors in prosecutions.” He also expressed hope for further attention of the people towards the family institution and stressed: “The teaching of these types of issues must begin from inside the family and primary education environments so that corrective behaviours are institutionalised within individuals.”





“ We Have Targeted the Increase of the Legal-Judicial Culture of Society ”