Iran-based NGOs Written Statement to be Submitted to 2020 ECOSOC High Level Segment

News ID : #3005
Publish Date : 04/28/2020 19:29
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The rise in the unilateral behavior of some governments has created obstacles in the way of the sustainable development goals more than ever.

The Organization for Defending Victims of Violence alongside 10 other Iranian NGOs with ECOSOC Consultative Status, released a written statement to condemn Unilateral Coercive Measures and its negative effects on achieving sustainable development goals. This statement has been provided for the ECOSOC High Level Segment which will be held from 14 to 17 July 2020 at the UN Headquarters in New York. Here is the full text:


The undersigned NGOs of this statement while expressing their deep concern on the challenges in the way of the sustainable development goals, declare that in spite of the efforts made by international organizations and civil society institutions, still a notable part of the world’s population is suffering from poverty and inequality. Serious daily threats are increasing against the health of people in new and uncontrollable forms. Gender inequality and unemployment are increasing on a daily basis. Natural disasters, destruction of the environment, and climate change are the biggest challenges of the current century. Terrorism, extremism, refugee crisis and migration are sharply on the increase.

In addition to all the challenges, the rise in the unilateral behavior of some governments has created obstacles in the way of the sustainable development goals more than ever. Unilateral coercive measures, violate the UN Charter, prevent the efforts of some countries towards development and blatantly show the lack of commitment of unilateral policies to international obligations.

In spite of the agreement of all countries in 2005 on the “leave no one behind” principle and their commitments to the 17 sustainable development goals of the UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/70/1, we are witnessing the use of unilateral coercive measures. These sanctions which recently have been increased and become more comprehensive in a form of economic war and economic blockade, threaten all fundamental human rights, MDGs and SDGs , particularly eradication of poverty, protection of the right to health, the right to education. Unilateral coercive measures have put serious restrictions on the development of countries and reduce targeted countries’ share of international development.

The undersigned NGOs of this statement believe that governments and the civil societies can speed up the achievement sustainable development goals through cooperation. Also, if the policies and development plans of countries are drafted towards global achievement of sustainable development goals, this global process will pick up more speed; although the continuation of the current unilateral sanctions seriously prevent some countries from achieving the sustainable development goals by 2030, deliberately make them fall behind and lead to a huge failure in the realization of SDGs for the international community. While stressing on the need to respect the independent governance of countries and nonintervention of other countries in the development process, the NGOs recommend that in order for the international community to achieve sustainable development goals, the first step is condemning unilateralism, restrictive policies and unilateral coercive measures while insisting on multilateralism.


Abshar Atefeha Charity Institute
Ertegha Keyfiat Zendegi Iranian Charitable Institute
Family Health Association of Iran
Humanitarian Ambassadors NGO
Iranian Thalassemia Society
Jameh Ehyagaran Teb Sonnati Va Salamat Iranian
Maryam Ghasemi Educational Charity Institute
Network of Women's Non-governmental Organizations in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Peivande Gole Narges Organization
Society of Iranian Women Advocating Sustainable Development of Environment




“ Iran-based NGOs Written Statement to be Submitted to 2020 ECOSOC High Level Segment ”