ODVV's letter to COI on OPT regarding the recent events in Gaza

News ID : #3654
Publish Date : 08/24/2022 10:55
View Count : 2475
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Child causality figures have been alarmingly high in recent conflicts. Israel's targeting of residential buildings has made women and children more vulnerable to death and injury in the armed conflicts.

Dear Excellencies
Members of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territories
As you know, during the three-day conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, (beginning on August 5, 2022), 48 Palestinians were killed and 360 others were injured, 19 of whom were children and 4 were women. 151 civilians were wounded, including 58 women and 19 elderly people.
Child causality figures have been alarmingly high in recent conflicts. Israel's targeting of residential buildings has made women and children more vulnerable to death and injury in the armed conflicts.
The Organization for the Defending Victims of Violence (ODVV) condemns this cruel act of Israel against the people of Gaza and requests the Independent Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Territories to investigate this act of Israel in line with its mission and study the root causes of these attacks and Israel's repeated violations against international human rights law, humanitarian law, and investigate the frequent tensions, discrimination and systematic oppression of Palestinians based on their national, ethnic, racial or religious identity in the occupied territories.
In the past seventy years, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the former Human Rights Commission and the Human Rights Council have passed hundreds of resolutions against Israel's behavior and its occupation of the Palestinian territories, which according to the reports of the UN Secretary General and his representatives, Israel has paid the least attention to them and have not followed any of the issued recommendations. We believe that impunity and non-accountability of perpetrators repeats the cycle of violence and violations.
We request the Independent Commission of Inquiry to discuss the seven-decade impunity of Israel in upcoming reports, and hold Israel accountable for large scale violations of human rights and continuous disregard of international law, with cooperation of academia and law specialists.



“ ODVV's letter to COI on OPT regarding the recent events in Gaza ”