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  - Iran ranks up in HR development
Iran ranks up in HR development
TEHRAN, Sep. 01 (MNA) – According to the latest HR development report of the WEF, Iran has soared 14 ranks higher in 2014.
  - Iran conditions death penalty for drug offenses
Iran conditions death penalty for drug offenses
Capital punishment will be removed for all drug-related offenses with the exception of 3 cases, vice-chairman of Parliament’s Judiciary Committee told Mehrnews Agency on Sunday.
  - Iran climbs in World Bank’s LPI global ranking
Iran climbs in World Bank’s LPI global ranking
Iran’s Logistics Performance Index (LPI) has jumped 18 places in 2016 to 96th compared to 114th in 2014, according to the World Bank’s “International LPI Global Ranking 2016” report.
  - Introduction to Family Rights Education Course
Introduction to Family Rights Education Course
The ODVV is to hold an education course on the Introduction to Family Rights, with the cooperation of the legal clinic of Shahid Beheshti University on the occasion of the International Day for the...
  - International Solidarity against Inhuman Sanctions
International Solidarity against Inhuman Sanctions
With the escalation of unilateral inhuman sanctions against the people of Iran on the pretext of Iran's nuclear activities, which have caused countless economic and medicinal problems and a...
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