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 S-ZA-S-AZ-S-ZA-S-AZ-human-rights - Efforts to Raise the Age of Marriage
Efforts to Raise the Age of Marriage
“In this regard, we sought the views of both the religious jurists and scholars, in order to draw their approval, and some scholars have had positive views.” the head of the Parliament’s Women’s...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-S-ZA-S-AZ-human-rights - Citizen’s Rights Curriculum for Universities
Citizen’s Rights Curriculum for Universities
President’s special assistant on citizen’s rights gave news of the drafting of a comprehensive plan on citizen’s rights in 14 indicators and said: the provincial programme of the Charter will also...
 S-ZA-S-AZ-S-ZA-S-AZ-human-rights - ODVV Holds a Sitting in Support of Victims of Torture
ODVV Holds a Sitting in Support of Victims of Torture
The technical sitting in support of victims of torture was held on the occasion of the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture on 26 June at the conference hall of the ODVV and the...