ODVV Statement on Human Rights’ Day
ODVV Statement on Human Rights’ Day
The United Nations General Assembly, adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights with the aim of establishing and guaranteeing equal rights and freedoms for all, on this day, 70 years ago. The Declaration preamble considers human dignity, liberty, equality, justice and peace as cornerstones of human rights.
We know that today, the world is suffering from humanitarian crisis and human rights violations, in Bahrain, Yemen, Syria, Sudan, Myanmar, Palestine and so on, while governments and International organizations responsible for human rights maintain silence, fail to take appropriate measures or take steps that lack an enforcement mechanism.
We believe that great powers, through inhuman measures including unilateral sanctions against civilians, supporting terrorism on the pretext of fight against terrorism, destruction of environment while justifying development projects, violation of human rights under the pretext of establishing democracy, unilateral withdrawal from International agreements etc., are undermining international institutions and treaties that are considered as the last refuge for the victims of such acts.
On this important day, while reiterating the need for the world to remain committed to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the need to strive for protection of human dignity on an equal and non-discriminatory basis in the world, Organization for the Defending of Victims of Violence (ODVV), hopes that international community stands against the unilateralism that undermines international decisions, condemns violations of human rights and perpetrators of unilateralism to maintain peace and equality.