Review of the operation of the Treaty, as provided for in its article VIII (3), taking into account the decisions and the resolution adopted by the 1995 Review and Extension Conference and the...
On the sidelines of the International Unilateralism Conference, ODVV held an exhibit entitled Unilateral Coercive Measures as an Instrument of Economic Terrorism.
This Treaty, of which the English and Russian texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the ar-chives of the Depositary Governments. Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be...
In addition, all refugees, asylum-seekers, and foreign nationals living in Iran who have been affected by war and violence in their countries of origin can also benefit from these services...
However, this article is not yet customary, but the large number of members of the first additional protocol has raised hope that Many States through the perspective of contract law are required to...
The International Women’s Day is commemorated on 8 March each year to remind us the importance of women’s rights and gender justice and our endless fight against discrimination.