ODVV Statements at 38th Session of the human Rights Council
ODVV Statements at 38th Session of the human...
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Human Rights Council 38th session
Item 2: General Debate
We Draw the Attention of HC to UCM in Iran
Item 3: General Debate
Human Rights in the Hodeidah Region of Yemen
Item 4: Interactive dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry on Syria
Item 4: General Debate
Human Rights Situation in Bahrain
Item 5. General Debate
UCM Negatively Impact Human Rights
Item 6: UPR of the United Arab Emirates
Item 7. General Debate
Item 8- Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
Item 9. General Debate
Islamophobia in the United Kingdom (UK)
Item 10- Technical assistance and capacity-building
Human Rights and Humanitarian Situation in Yemen