ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks

: #458
Publish Date : 11/15/2015 10:37
View Count : 2340
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ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks
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The Friday night terror attacks carried out in Paris resulted in the death and injury of over 300 people, and once again showed the urgency for the multilateral fight against extremism and violence, and showed that terrorists do not have any limits or boundaries in carrying out inhuman acts.

  It is natural that these types of brutal terror attacks increases the hatred and abhorrence of the people and countries of the world towards terrorism, violence, extremism and their perpetrators. And people's hatred towards extremist terror groups and their supporters will increase around the world.
The recent terror attacks carried out in different regions of the world that include, France, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan by extremist groups such as ISIS and other groups which have taken place under the false, inaccurate, ignorance and prejudice from religion, and for years they play destructive roles in various countries; and their regions of activities and observing their governmental and nongovernmental backers they have the readiness to destroy the security and safety of the people and expand terrorism. Observing the identification of this evil ideological and practical phenomenon, and its continued criminal history, it is necessary for the UN General Assembly, the Security Council and regional bodies such as the Islamic Cooperation Organization the adopt serious measures to confront these types of extremism, and their role in threat against international peace and security, so that at the international level the holding of various educational, promotional, enlightenment, monitoring, security and military and judicial programmers, they are placed in their working agendas for the elimination of extremist groups.
As a nongovernmental organization active the field of human rights, the ODVV expects civil society activists around the world through the expansion of dialogue and tolerance and understanding among various ideological trends and strengthening of human solidarity, to eliminate the foundations of extremist ideologies and not to allow new individuals to fall in the trap of planners and designers of terrorism in the name of religion and or alleged ideological and belief justifications. Also it is necessary for civil society institutions to utilize their promotional and monitoring abilities for the removal of the impunity of criminals residing in some countries and preparation of the application of justice against terrorists.
While condemning these crimes against humanity, the ODVV calls upon the international community and relevant organizations that include the UN Security Council, to take immediate and resolute action through the participation of member states for the ending of actions that result in the threat against international peace and security.

“ ODVV Statement on the Recent Paris Terror Attacks ”