The remaining parties to the JCPOA have all worked to protect and preserve the deal, but the pressure emanating from both Washington and Tehran is likely too...
The U.S. President’s unilateralism and his adventurousness was not welcomed other than by a couple of countries. Israel and Saudi Arabia were too excited to...
"Clearly Israel and its supporters in the United States are trying to conflate BDS with anti-Semitism, but I believe this unfounded slander is already in the...
The US sanctions target Iran’s oil and petrochemical products’ exports, banking and insurance sectors, aviation industry, maritime navigation, Iran’s...
Most of the time, US sanctions have sought to coerce another state to submit to the will of the US. Sanctions are directed towards perpetuating US hegemony...
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict drags on with no conclusion on horizon. Israel celebrated its 70th birthday recently as the US moved its embassy to...
In the field of health, Gaza hospitals are trying to continue their activities and services under the fire of Israeli attacks, as their equipment is running...
As described by many scholars and researchers, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the world’s most controversial conflict and the last colonial war of the...
The current spate of Islamophobia has been fed by populist politics from Donald Trump to Narendra Modi. In Europe, far-right anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim...
In the recent couple of decades, barriers to racial and religious equality have emerged in France and the republic has found itself in the grips of an...
My colleagues who work in the area of race and economics have argued that Canada has a racialized hierarchical structure in the labor force. This is not new....
The most devastating thing that is happening is the absence of educational opportunities for youth. We are witnessing the growth of a lost generation. As for...
The United States government under President Trump has zero respect for international law and this became clear when he pulled out of the Paris climate...
"Most terrorist attacks or murders like school shootings are by American citizens not by immigrants. Trump and the nationalists are using the immigration...
International law is not being neglected in relation to Israeli crimes against humanity and war crimes in Palestine, it is being ignored, by Israel of course...