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 Special-Rapporteur - Violence against children and Covid 19
Violence against children and Covid 19
The experts urged governments to ensure that adequately staffed and equipped child protection services and law enforcement are available and accessible to...
 Special-Rapporteur - Saudi crown prince 'approved' Khashoggi's murder operation
Saudi crown prince 'approved' Khashoggi's...
“The United States government should impose sanctions against the Crown Prince, as it has done for the other perpetrators – targeting his personal assets but...
 Special-Rapporteur - ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
ODVV Interview with Prof. Douhan (Part: 2)
"I can say the recent materials clearly show that even the nationals and companies of countries which impose unilateral sanctions also become affected...
 Special-Rapporteur - Islamophobia is a Result of Structural Discrimination Stemming from Negative Stereotypes
Islamophobia is a Result of Structural...
Following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and other horrific acts of terrorism purportedly carried out in the name of Islam, institutional suspicion of Muslims...
 Special-Rapporteur - Human Rights experts are calling for the lifting of sanctions
Human Rights experts are calling for the...
"Sanctioned countries are especially hard-hit as they cannot use their revenues to purchase imports of equipment, medicines, antiviral and food from global...
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